3rd Floor, 17 Bays Building,
Sector-17, Chandigarh.0172-2701324.
Email: dahpunjab@gmail.com, Website:
1. Introduction
Punjab State has an area of 50362 sq.km. comprising of 12278
inhabited villages and 161 towns. The administration of the State is
governed through 5 divisions comprising of 22 districts, 82 tehsils
and 146 blocks. 70% of the State population depends on agriculture
and remaining 30% live in urban areas. Punjab State, besides
supporting a large human population of 2crore 77 lacs (2011 census)
also supports a large population of Cattle & Buffaloes. As per the
live-stock census carried out in the State in 2007, there are 17.61
lac cattle and 50.03 lac buffaloes in the state. Out of this, the
breed-able cows and breed-able buffaloes are 10.31lac and 29.08lac
respectively. Punjab is a major milk producing State in the country
with an annual milk production of 97.24 lac tons during the year
2012-13. It contributes about 8 % of the total milk production of
the country though it has less than 2% of total cattle and buffalo
population of the country. The per capita availability of milk in
Punjab is 961 grams which is highest in the country. With poultry
population of about 7.18 crore, its annual egg production is 3791
million eggs with per capita availability of 140 eggs which is also
the highest in the country. Annual meat production is 212 thousand
tons. Besides this, state is also producing 558thousand kilo-grams
of wool. So Animal Husbandry is contributing about 13% of the state
As for as infra-structure of the department
is concerned,1367 Veterinary Hospitals (785 provincial+582
zila-parishad) and 1485 Veterinary Dispensaries are functioning in
the state. Besides 19 Polyclinics are also functioning. Two Frozen
Semen Banks at Nabha and Ropar have been established. One Cattle and
one Buffaloe Breeding Farm, one Sheep Breeding Farm,one Rabbit
Breeding Farm, two Poultry Breeding Farms and six Pig Breeding Farms
are also functioning. Two fodder seed production farms at Kulemajra
(Patiala) and Mattewara (Ludhiana) have also been established.
Besides this,one Regional Disease Diagnostic Lab.(Jalandhar) and one
Veterinary Vaccine Institute at Ludhiana are also working in the
2. Vision
To provide impetus to growth of cattle, poultry and other livestock
foreconomic prosperity and to improve nutritional standards.
3. Mission:
· Preserve, protect, strengthen and improve livestock,
· Livestock health care to increase production and productivity
· Creating self-employment opportunities.
4. Objectives:
1. To
improve animal production
2. To ensure animal health care.
3. Development of fodder & feed.
4. Development of poultry, piggery and small ruminants.
5. Conservation of indigenous breeds.
6. To improve infrastructure and capacity building.
7. To provide extension activities for creating awareness
amongst farmers about departmental schemes by organizing
animal health care camps.
5. Service standards
Type of services provided
The Animal Husbandry Department provides various types of services
to the people for livestock development. These are described as
1. Veterinary health services
for domestic & wild life.
2. Artificial insemination in
cattle & buffaloes.
3. Providing various test
facilities through diagnostic laboratories.
4. Issue of health
certificates& postmortem certificates.
5. Conducting mass
vaccination /deworming programs.
6. Conducting veterinary
health/ fertility camps.
7. Providing technical
advisories/ project reports.
8. Publicity of departmental schemes& extension activities.
B. Services available at veterinary institutions
N |
Services |
Veterinary Dispensary |
Veterinary Hospital |
Veterinary Hospital at tehsil |
Poly-clinic at district H.Q |
Mobile veterinary services |
1. |
OPD Treatment |
Minor treatment |
Major Treatment |
Major treatment |
Specialized treatment and surgery by specialists |
Major treatment at the door step of the village |
2 |
Supply of free medicine*
subject to availability |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
3 |
Vaccination* |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
4 |
Deworming |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
5 |
Diagnostic tests |
No |
No |
Blood test
Faecal Test
Milk Test |
All diagnostic tests along with X-ray and ultra-sound facilities |
Blood test
Faecal Test
Milk Test |
6 |
Breeding services a)Artificial insemination |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Pregnancy diagnosis |
Yes |
7. |
Support servicesa)
Information of departmental schemes |
b)Veterinary health certificate |
c) Post-mortem certificate |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
8 |
Availability of
fodder through out the year
a)Supply of improved
quality fodder seeds. |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
b)Preservation of
surplus fodder |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
*Covered under Right To Service Act.
C.Standard time taken to provide services
SNo. |
Citizen centric services
(working days) |
Officer /official responsible |
1. |
Preventive services
a) Vaccination of animals & birds |
As per fixed schedule |
Veterinary Officer/Veterinary Inspector |
b) Deworming of animals |
2 |
Supply of free medicine |
Same day subject to availability |
CVD/CVH /Poly clinic |
3 |
Curative services
a) Minor veterinary treatment at CVD |
Same day |
Veterinary Inspector |
b) Treatment of sick animals at CVH./ Poly clinic/Mobile
Vet Service |
Same day |
SVO/Veterinary Officer/Specialists at Poly clinics |
c) Reports of common diagnostic tests (Blood &faeces) |
1-5 days
(depending on the type of test) |
4. |
Breeding services
a)Artificial insemination
b)Pregnancy diagnosis |
Same day
SVO/Veterinary Inspector & Veterinary
Officer |
5. |
Regulatory services
a)Issue of veterinary health certificate |
3 Days |
Veterinary Officer/Specialists at the Poly clinic/SVO |
b)Issue of certificate of medico legal case |
7 Days |
c)Issue of certificate of post - mortem examination for claim of
insurance |
7 Days |
6. |
Fodder provision Services
a)Supply of improved
quality fodder seeds. |
15 days |
b)Preservation of
surplus fodder
days |
The user charges are given at Annexure- A and Vaccination schedule
given at Annexure-B.
6. Indicative expectations from service recipients
1. Properly filled and timely submission of application.
2. Application be submitted with requisite fees.
7. Periodicity of review
The Citizen Charter will be reviewed after every 2 years.
Public grievance redressmechanism:
A. Name and contact
details of Public Grievance Officers
The following officers would be designated as Public Grievance
Officers at various levels as under:-
Level |
Office at |
Designated Officers |
1st Level |
Veterinary Hospital |
Veterinary Officer |
2nd Level |
Tehsil HQ |
Senior Veterinary Officer. |
3rd Level |
District HQ |
Deputy Director (AH) of the district. |
4th Level |
State HQ |
Director /Joint Director (AH). |
Helpline number / Website url to lodge complaint:-
Any aggrieved person may lodge the complaint with the help of
helpline number as well as email address as per Annexure- C or at
the following website: www.husbandrypunjab.org
C. Communication to the complainant:-
Every complaint will be acknowledged in writing at the time of
receipt of complaint. A printed format for the acknowledgement of
the complaint will be in the following format:-
Subject:- Acknowledgement
Dear Sir
Your complaint on the _____________________subject is hereby
acknowledged. Its registration no. is_______________ . Designated
Officer will look into it and respond within 10 days.
Thanking you.
Yours Sincerely
D. Complaint handling procedure
There are four levels from where the delivery of services is
monitored i.e. Veterinary Hospital level, Sub Divisional level,
District level and State level. The complaint handling procedure has
to start from these places. At vety hospital level designated
officer will be VetyOfficer.SeniorVety. Officer would be putas
designated officer at tehsil or sub division level whereas, Deputy
Director will be designated officer at the district level and
finally Director/Joint Director Animal Husbandry will be designated
officer at state level. They will undertake the complaints lodged by
the public.
i) Submission of
The complainant will be required to file the complaint in writing
giving all the details and relevant reference along with specific
deficiency in service on the part of the department as well as the
expectation of the complainant.
ii) Receipt and record of
Every complaint will be delivered to the designated official in each
of the aforesaid offices, who will maintain a separate register for
keeping the record of the complaints. This register will have the
information in the following formats:-
iii) Record of complaints
Particulars of the citizen |
Particulars of grievance |
S N |
Date of
receipt |
Name |
Address |
number |
acknowledgement given |
of the grievance |
Office |
description |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
E. Criteria for classification of complaint
Different types of grievances or complaints need different
responses or ways to respond to them,so as to facilitate appropriate
action. Following types of categories have been identified:-
N |
Criteria |
Grievance category |
Charter related
Delay in providing of health/postmortem certificate. |
Enlisted service being
not provided in time |
Non-vaccination of animals against various diseases |
Excess fee charged by the staff |
2 |
Staff related
Absence of staff during duty hours |
Improper treatment given by the staff. |
3 |
Policy related /Miscellaneous |
F. Timelines for redress
i) Investigation and reply
The official maintaining the complaint register will present the
complaint to the designated officer immediately on receipt and
registration, who will investigate the matter and send the reply/
action taken to the complainant within 10 working days from the
receipt of complaint in the office.
ii. Appeal
If the complainant is not satisfied with the reply of the Complaint
Handling Officer, he/she will be free to appeal against the reply to
the next level designated officers i.e. Senior Vety. Officer of the
concerned tehsil/sub division, Deputy Director (AH) of the concerned
district or the Director/Joint Director, Animal Husbandry
Department, Punjab at the state level, who will look into the matter
at his own level. He can get the matter investigated from another
officer. He can call the complainant for personal hearing also. The
Appellant authority will give his decision within 10 working days
from the receipt of appeal.
iii. Time norm for redress
SNo |
Grievance category |
Time norm for redress |
1 |
Delay in providing of health/postmortem certificate. |
10 days |
2 |
Enlisted service being not provided in time |
10 days |
3 |
Vaccination of animals against various diseases |
10 days |
4 |
Excess fees charged by the staff as per fixed govt. fees. |
10 days |
5 |
Absence of staff during duty hours. |
10 days |
6 |
Improper treatment given by the staff.
10 days |
G. Level of responsibility for redressal of grievances
SN |
Type of grievance |
Time line at level 1 |
Time line at level 2 |
Time line at level 3 |
Time line at level 4 |
1 |
Charter related
10 days |
10 days |
10 days |
10 days |
2 |
Staff related |
10 days |
10 days |
10 days
10 days
3 |
Policy/ procedure related/ Miscellaneous |
10days |
10days |
10 days |
10 days |
H. Analysis and prevention
The data received on various grievances during the last quarter will
be retrieved and analyzed for type of grievances and to identify the
area most prone to such grievances. Action required making
improvements in the charter and redress system will be identified.
The format for this is as follows:-
Sr. No. |
Date & description of grievance |
Grievance prone areas identified |
Root cause identified |
Action required to improve system |
Planned date & authority responsible for taking action |
Action taken date |
I. Ombudsman
The Financial Commissioner/Administrative SecretaryGovt. of Punjab,
Department of Animal Husbandry,Fisheries& Dairy Development would be
theOmbudsman.In case, designated complaint handling officers do not
respond to the complaint to the satisfaction of the citizen, he can
approach to them for reddressal of their grievance.
J. Stakeholders:
The following are the stakeholders of the Department of Animal
Husbandry as enlisted below:
1. Livestock owners
2. Pet animal owners
3. Poultry farmers
4. Fodder producing farmers
5. Organizations
/institutions connected with breeding, feed manufacturer, vaccine
manufacturer, medicine manufacturer and fodder seeds growers.
6. Research organizations /
institutions connected with veterinary and animal sciences
7. The line departments of GOI /GOP connected with livestock
development activity
8. Animal welfare organizations.
K. Timings for different institutions of the department
No. |
Institution |
1. |
Veterinary hospital / dispensary / poly-clinics |
Summer(16th April to 15th Oct---8.00am to
2.00 pm
Winter(16th Oct. to 15th April---- 9.00 am
to 3.00pm
2. |
offices and farms |
9.00 am
to 5.00 pm
3. |
Emergency services are available for 24 hours
Fees and User charges for different types of services
Sr. No. |
Name of
the service item |
Fees (
inRs.) |
1. |
Outdoor case treatment |
10/- |
2. |
Blood / faecal Test |
20/- |
3. |
X- Ray |
50/- |
4. |
Minor operation |
50/- |
5. |
Major operation |
125/- |
6. |
Castration |
10/- |
7. |
Pregnancy diagnosis |
10/- |
8. |
Animal feed analysis |
50/- |
9. |
Health certificate
A) Large Animals
B) Small Animals
C) Poultry Birds
Upto 5000 birds
Above 5000 birds |
50/- per animal
10/- per animal
1/- per bird
2/- per bird |
10. |
Export Certificate |
300/-per animal |
11. |
Post- mortem fees
a) Large Animal
b) Small Animal
c) Poultry Birds |
100/-per animal
20/- per animal
5/- per bird |
12. |
Ultra-sound |
75/- |
13. |
Major Obstetrical case |
125/- |
14. |
Minor Obstetrical case |
50/- |
15. |
Serum Analyzer Test |
10/- per parameter |
16. |
Complete Blood Cell count Test |
20/- per sample |
17. |
Culture & sensitivity test |
50/- per sample |
18. |
Brucellosis Vaccine |
2/- per dose |
19. |
Theileriosis Vaccine |
10/- per dose |
20. |
Anti Rabic Vaccine |
5/- per dose |
21. |
HS/BQ vaccination |
2/- per dose |
22. |
A I ( Indigenous semen) |
50/- per insemination |
23. |
A I ( Imported semen)
a) HF
b) Jersey
c) Sexed semen |
125/- per insemination
150/- per insemination
700/- per insemination |
Vaccination Schedule
SNo |
Disease |
Animal |
Vaccine |
Time of vaccination |
1 |
Foot & Mouth Disease (FMD) |
All cloven
footed animals |
Polyvalent FMD
vaccine |
June-July& December-January |
2 |
Septicemia(HS) |
Cattle, Buffalo |
HS Vaccine |
May-June |
3 |
Black Quarter
(BQ) |
Cattle, Buffalo |
BQ Vaccine |
May-June |
4 |
Anthrax |
All species of
Animals |
Anthrax Spore
Vaccine |
May-June |
5 |
(ET) |
Sheep & Goat |
ET Vaccine |
May-June |
6 |
Pneumonia (CCPP) |
Sheep & Goat |
IVRI Vaccine |
--------- |
7 |
Peste Des Pettis in
Ruminants (PPR) |
Sheep & Goat |
PPR Vaccine |
- |
8 |
Brucellosis |
Female cattle &
buffalo Calf age 4-8 months
only |
Vaccine |
once |
9 |
Theileriosis |
Cattle & calves
above 2
months of age |
10 |
Rabies |
All species of
animals |
Rabies postbite vaccine |
0, 3,7,14,28 & 90 days |
Note - Before any vaccination
deworming should be compulsory to get better results.
Deworming schedule:
Every 3 months
The Contact details of Administrative & other Officers of the Animal
Husbandry department at Chandigarh are as under:
Sh. Mandeep Singh Sandhu, IAS Additional Chief Secretary
Animal Husbandry, Fisheries, and Dairy Development, Government Of Punjab. CEO, PLDB, Chandigarh. |
fcah@punjab.gov.in |
Sh. , IAS Special Secretary
Animal Husbandry , Fisheries, and Dairy Development, Government Of Punjab |
0172-2740642 |
Dr.Harjinderjit Singh Sandha
Director, Animal Husbandry Punjab, Additional CEO, PLDB, Chandigarh. Chief Vigilance Officer (AHD Punjab). |
dahpunjab@gmail.com |
98151-70643 |
Dr.Amarjeet Singh
Joint Director , A.H. , Chandigarh. PIO and Registrar, Punjab Veterinary Council, |
0172-2701168 dahpunjab@gmail.com |
98151-96631 |
Dr. Vinay Mohan
Joint Director, RDDL , Jallandhur. |
0181-2242335 |
98147-09170 |
S. Jatinder Singh
Joint Director, Fodder , Chandigarh. |
0172-2701201 |
98140-30048 |
Dr. Narinder Pal Thamman
Deputy CEO, PLDB Chandigarh |
0172-2701324 |
99881-81524 |
Dr. Ashwani Bhardwaj, AD,
Deputy Director (Sheep & Wool), |
0172-2702658 |
93575-22221 |
Dr. Ramesh Bhardwaj, AD,
Senior Executive, PLDB Chandigarh |
0172-2702658 |
98728-10839 |
Dr. Nitin Kumar, V.O. CEO, Punjab Gau Sewa Commission, Chandigarh |
0172-2702658 |
98143-33167 |
Dr. Desh Deepak Goyal, V.O,
Deputy Director (Stat.), Chandigarh |
0172-2701291 |
99880-03757 |
Dr. Lakhwinder Singh,Veterinary Officer
(Poultry Genetics),Chandigarh. |
0172-2701291 |
98724-21000 |
List of District Resource Persons:
E. mail Address |
Dr. Pawan Kumar Malhotra, Deputy Director , (A.H.), Amritsar |
0183-2536283 |
98156-54948 |
ddahamritsar@gmail.com |
Dr.Sukhdev Singh , Deputy Director , (A.H.), Barnala |
94172-33187 |
94172-33187 |
ddahbarnala@gmail.com |
Dr. Pardeep Kumar, Deputy Director, (A.H.), Bathinda |
0164-2212767 |
88720-10014 |
ddbathinda@gmail.com |
Dr. H.M. Walia, Deputy Director, (A.H.), Fathegarh Sahib |
01763-232712 |
96468-88440 |
ddahftgsahib@gmail.com |
Dr.Gautam Parshad, Deputy Director, (A.H.),Faridkot |
01639-250176 |
98151-42227 |
ddahfaridkot@gmail.com |
Dr. Baldev Singh, Deputy Director, (A.H.), Ferozepur |
01632-246089 |
94173-90535 |
ddferozepur@gmail.com |
Dr. Arvind Sharma , Deputy Director , (A.H.), Gurdaspur |
01874-241160 |
98144-53940 |
ddgurdaspur@gmail.com |
Dr. Naresh Kumar, Deputy Director, (A.H.) Hoshiarpur |
01882-253574 |
99153-49210 |
ddahhoshiarpur@gmail.com |
Dr. Chopra , Deputy Director (A.H.), Jalandhar |
0181-2457337 |
9814257044 |
ddahjalandhar@gmail.com |
Dr.Satpal Singh, Deputy Director , (A.H.), Kapurthala |
01822-233515 |
98140-59453 |
ddahkapurthala@gmail.com |
Dr. Inderjit Singh, Deputy Director, (A.H.), Ludhiana |
0161-5017728 |
94173-38865 |
ddahludhiana@gmail.com |
Dr. Amrit Pal Singh , Deputy Director, (A.H.), Mansa |
01652-235111 |
94174-05453 |
ddahmansa12@gmail.com |
Dr. Najar Singh, Deputy Director, (A.H.), Moga |
01636-236257 |
98145-54969 |
ddahmoga@gmail.com |
Dr. Chander Mohan, Deputy Director, (A.H.), Ajitgarh(MOHALI) |
0160-2281191 |
98724-86342 |
ddahajitgarh@gmail.com |
Dr.Parminder Singh,Deputy Director, (A.H.),Muktsar |
01633-263948 |
99152-00520 |
ddahmks@gmail.com |
Dr. Amarjit Singh Multani, Deputy Director, (A.H.) ,Shaheed Bhagat Singh Nagar |
01823-222180 |
98142-95993 |
ddahsbsnagar@gmail.com |
Dr. H.M. Walia, Deputy Director, (A.H.), Patiala |
0175-2360160 |
96468-88440 |
ddahpatiala@gmail.com |
Dr.Kuldip Kumar, Deputy Director (A.H.), Pathankot |
01881-222337 |
98725-32228 |
ddahpathankot@gmail.com |
Dr. , Deputy Director (A.H.), Roop Nagar |
01881-222337 |
ddahroopnagar@gmail.com |
Dr. Naresh Sachdeva, Deputy Director (A.H.), Fazilka |
01881-222337 |
94174-21789 |
ddahfazilka@gmail.com |
Dr.Sukhcharanjit Singh, Deputy Director, (A.H.), Sangrur |
01672-234093 |
94170-31450 |
ddah508sangrur@gmail.com |
Dr. Raminder Mohan , Deputy Director , (A.H.), Tarn Taran |
01822-233515 |
98159-83846 |
ddahtarntaran@gmail.com |
Dr. N.K. Talwar , Deputy Director, (A.H.), Vaccine Institute Ludhiana |
0161-2401499 |
98883-16728 |
ddahpvviludhiana@gmail.com |
Dr.Manohar Lal, Deputy Director,(A.H.), Mattewara(Ldh.) |
0161-2822038 |
94173-38865 |
ddahmatewara@gmail.com |
Dr. Gurdeep Singh , Deputy Director, Training, Patiala |
0175-2354128 |
99883-35991 |
ddahtpatiala@gmail.com |