In this Age of Information Technology and Internet, if anyone or a Veterinarian does not updates himself/herself with the latest information & various techniques He is certainly stand to loose out on critical information in diagnosis, treatment, and management that can make all the difference between curing the animal or otherwise. something which may be very helpful for him /her in managing a hospital or clinics, or dairy farm or stud farm or Poultry farm .
If one wants to look for information about something on the Internet, he/she is required to precede in a very systematic way other wise he/she is likely to be lost in the vast ocean of knowledge. Though this article may not be complete in itself but we have tried our best to incorporate the most visited and also the most useful of the various sites available on the internet. Still there are many more to be explored and the list of sites will always need continuous updating. But this article will be of special help to the beginners or the ones who find themselves trapped in the knowledge from all the four sides.
If you don't know where to look for the information on a particular topic then you can go for the following search engines.
General Search Engines
A web search engine is a very useful and time saving tool for a net surfer while looking for a particular topic of interest on the World Wide Web. The user just need to feed in the key words of his/her interest and the engine gives a probable list of the site or web pages that may be of interest for the surfer. A small description is also provided with the address of the page. However the user has to decide which pages are fulfilling his/her need.
Yahoo (http://www.yahoo.com)
AOL Search (http://www.aol.com)
Excite (http://www.excite.com)
Google (http://www.google.com)
Lycos (http://www.lycos.com)
WebCrawler (http://www.webcrawler.com)
InfoSeek Guide (http://www.infoseek.com)
HotBot (http://www.hotbot.com)
Or you can search the net by using many of the available Meta Search Engines, which relate a number of search engines available on the net. Some of the most widely used Meta search engines include the following.
Meta Search Engines
Some search engines are specific in their action like: -
Pharmaceuticals and Health Related Search Engines
Scientific Information Search Engines
Web Index
These can be considered, as catalogues on the Internet that organizes information resources available on the World Wide Web. These indexes help the surfer to identify the resources of interest and also to get directly linked to these. However as the law of nature goes for all, and so for these indexes also, no index so far available is complete in itself. But some of the most widely visited web indexes are: -
Animal Husbandry Web sites
Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying & Fisheries | Government ...
Department of Animal husbandry, dairy and fisheries is responsible for matters relating to livestock production, preservation, protection from disease and improvement of stocks and dairy development, and also for matters relating to the Delhi Milk Scheme and the National Dairy Development Board. It also looks after all ...
You've visited this page 2 times. Last visit: 27/12/16
Livestock&Fish-India (@DOAHDF) · Twitter
#Poultry houses in tropics should have good roof insulation (if possible, with false roof to reduce the conduction of heat). In open sided houses width of house will be a limiting factor so keep the optimum width (24-32 ft) based on temperature, humidity and wind velocity #DOAHDF pic.twitter.com/MtMxQlK…
1 day ago · Twitter
#Calves need dry bedding & well ventilated environment after birth. It helps in their healthy growth and building immunity. #DOAHDF #DADFIndia pic.twitter.com/oDQMyEP…
2 days ago · Twitter
Never use Benzene Hexa Chloride Powder (BHC/DDT) for controlling ecto-parasites. These are banned by the #Government #DOAHDF #DADFIndia pic.twitter.com/IyvrwBE…
3 days ago · Twitter
Save your #Cattle from ticks by cleaning #animal shed & surroundings. Remove the stubble waste, spray insecticides recommended by veterinarian only to control tick breeding. #DOAHDF #DADFIndia pic.twitter.com/W1SHBOm…
4 days ago · Twitter
Schemes of Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries ...
Fisheries Development Schemes – Aid & Subsidy. http://dahd.nic.in/dahd/schemes/fisheries.aspx. Related Items:fisheries acquaculture subsidy, government subsidy for dairy farming in maharashtra, govt assistance farmers, govt subsidy for dairy farming in india, livestock insurance india, poultry farming subsidy ...
Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying & Fisheries
Send Feedback on:- feedback-dahd@nic.in · Draft Marine Fishries(Regulation&Management) · Public Notice-Revised Sanitary Requirements · Welcome to Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying & Fisheries. The Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying (AH&D) - now renamed as Department of Animal ...
6. Basic Animal Husbandry Statistics, DAHD, GoI | Dairy Knowledge ...
dairyknowledge.in › Resources › Statistics › I. Livestock Statistics
Basic Animal Husbandry Statistics (BAHS)- The Animal Husbandry Statistics Division of the Department conducts IntegratedSample Surveys to estimate productions of major livestock products viz. milk, egg,meat and wool. http://dahd.nic.in/dahd/statistics/animal-husbandry-statistics.aspx.
Dahd Fishing Weather - AccuWeather for India
Get Dahd, India weather forecasts for outdoor activities including the 3 day fishing forecast and other sportsman related articles and videos from AccuWeather.com.
Dahd Do It Yourself Weather - AccuWeather for India
Get Dahd, India home and garden weather forecasts including the 3 day construction forecast and DIY articles and videos from AccuWeather.com.
Search Results
Apr 5, 2016 - Information about application forms of Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying & Fisheries (DAHD) under the Ministry of Agriculture. Users can know about application forms for leave/extension of leave, import/export of livestock products for personal consumption & trading or marketing. Also, application ...
The Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare (formerly Ministry of Agriculture), a branch of the Government of India, is the apex body for formulation and administration of the rules and regulations and laws related to agriculture in India. The three broad areas of scope for the Ministry are agriculture, food processing and ...
DADF Recruitment 2018-2019 dahd.nic.in Jobs. Latest Job: Department Of Animal Husbandry Dairying And Fisheries (DADF) Invites Application for Livestock Officer Recruitment 2017.
DAC is organized into 27 Divisions and has five attached offices and twenty-one subordinate offices which are spread across the.
Looking for online definition of DAHD or what DAHD stands for? DAHD is listed in the World's largest and most authoritative dictionary database of abbreviations and acronyms.
DAHD - Cattle and Dairy Development Division · DAHD - Fisheries Division · DAHD - Livestock Health Division · DAHD - NLM Division · Regional Station for Forage Production & Demonstration · Tamil Nadu Veterinery and Animal Sciences University · TANUVAS - Technologies · TANUVAS - Events. pubication, Publication.
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Aug 29, 2016 - Department of Animal husbandry, dairy and fisheries is responsible for matters relating to livestock production, preservation, protection from disease and improvement of stocks and dairy development, and also for matters relating to the Delhi Milk Scheme and the National Dairy Development Board.
How is Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying (India) abbreviated? DAHD stands for Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying (India). DAHD is defined as Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying (India) somewhat frequently.
Dec 18, 2017 - While Dahd is focussed on Saudi Arabia customers it is finding interest from across MENA (Middle East North Africa), as one might expect. But Al-Omayri says Dahd is also finding customers far further afield wider – from the USA and Argentina in the west to Malaysia and Indonesia in the east, reflecting the ...
Dr.Ravinder Singh
2108-38th St. Edmonton, AB
T6L, 4C3, Canada. |
Dr. Kamaldeep Singh Brar
# 104-6534, 135th St.
Surrey, BC V3W 8MI, CANADA |
Dr.Tejinderpal Singh Khaira
16 Templeton Way NE
Calgary, AB TIY 5B6, Canada. |
Dr.Ohiyoo War
Jowai. |
Dr. Bharpoor Singh
Alpine Animal Hospital
348-6th New Westminster
Dr. Chitraj Randhawa
S/o S. Jagir Singh Randhawa
11473, N. Namlane
Lodi, CA-95242 |
Dr. Hamid Khan Jawed
60 – Broadway Road
Bedford, OHIO-USA |
Dr. Gurdass Singh Dass
South Green Road
East Enclave,
PHIO, U.S.A. |
Dr.Didar Singh Hoti
Director of QA/Pathologist
1025 Winwood Drive Cary,NY 27511USA |
Dr. Harmohinder Singh Sandhu
State Road
Parma, OHIO, USA-44134 |
Dr.Inderbir Singh Gill
Broadview Animal Hospital
1570, Roosevelt Road
Broadview IL, 60153,USA. |
Dr. K.K.Mirakhur
Dr.Sarabjit Singh
Animal Medical Hospital of Poway
14031 Poway Road
Poway, CA 92064, USA. |
Dr.Amrit Sagar Singh Chahal
51, Backwith Cr.
Markham, ON L 3S1R9,
Canada. |
Dr.Harjider Singh Ladhar
Broadway Pet Hospital
1000 Broadway St.
Vellejo, CA 94590, USA. |
Dr.Sukhbir Singh Sandhu
1517-2A, Winslow Drive
Palatinc IL 60067, USA. |
Dr. Ananjit Singh Aulakh
Adobe Animal Hospital,6331,Haven Avenue
Suite #4, Alta Loma, CA 91737, USA. |
Dr. Kulwant Singh Bindra
1234, Newport Mews Dr.
Bensalem, PA 19020,
USA. |
Dr. Parminder Singh
Alpine Animal Hospital
348, 6th St. New Westminster
BC. V3L # A8, Canada. |
Dr. Sarabjit Singh Bhandal
1704, Mundelcine Road
Naperville, IL 60565
U.S.A. |
Dr. Bhupinder Singh Multani
Apt. # 18, 2825, Windwood
Drive, Ann Arbor, MI 48105
U.S.A. |
Dr. Pardeep Singh Gill
10337, Deelove Road, 301C
Glenview IL 60025
U.S.A. |
Dr. Bal Jit Singh Chahal
Akal Animal Hospital,1710 Barrycssa Road,
Suit 106, San Jose, CA 95133, USA |
Dr. Kanwal Preet Singh Gill
Vale Ranch Veterinary Hospital
31821 Highway, 79 South, Suite C1
Temccula, CA 92592, USA |
Dr. Harbinder Singh Grewal
Animal Medical Center,
3185 Meridian Avenue,
San Jose, CA 95124, U.S.A. |
Dr. Ravinder Singh
78, Kenneth Drive
Vernon, CT 06066,
U.S.A. |
Dr. Jaswant Singh
4. Kairistine Lane
Winning, MBR2RIE8, CANADA |
Dr. Ranjit Singh Parmer
3406-135A Avenue
Edmonton, AB T5A 2V4, CANADA |
Dr. Jangbir Singh Bajwa
656, East 45 Avenue
Vanocuver B.C., V5 W. 1X7
Canada |
Dr. Kiran Pal Singh
111 N. Ridge Rd
Lake Forest, 1L 600 45 USA
29-K, Sarabha Nagar
Ludhiana |
Dr. Iqvinder S Gill
888 Valencia Drive, Milpitas CA 95085
California, USA, dvmgill@yahoo.com
Phone: (408) 262-4402 |
Dr. S.S.Dhindsa
Health Scientist-Administration, Division of Research Grants, 5333, West Boarde Aven. Room No. 307, Bethesda, Maryland 20892 (U.S.A.) |