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Semen Bank Roopnagar

•    Semen Station Rupnagar is a unit of PLDB Punjab, is providing high quality pure breed frozen semen straws to dairy farmers and breeders of Punjab. By using these straws of high breed quality dairy farmers can enhance the pedigree of their local breeds. They can improve the genetic material of their animals which will eventually increase the milk production.
•    Semen Station, Rupnagar was started in the year 1998. It covers a total area of 21 acres land, out of which 14 acres are under fodder cultivation and 7 acres is under buildings and roads.
•    Semen Station has high quality technical machinery and fully biosecure lab .To make quality better very superior quality machines have been installed in lab from Germany and France.
•    Following breeds of cattle & buffalo are being maintained at semen station-

Cow bull-
1.    HF 100%
2.    HF cross
3.    Sahiwal

Buffalo bull-
1.   Murrah
2.   Nili Ravi

•   Semen Station Rupnagar ISO 9001:2015 certified by BSI International & B- Grade as evaluated by CMU, Govt. of India.
•   Semen Station has produced 1,88,12,150 frozen semen doses (1,43,83,391 doses of cow bulls & 44,28,759 doses of buff bulls) since start in dec.1998 up to 31/12/2024.
•   Semen produced is passed by the Quality Control Lab is dispatched to state level distribution centre at Patiala.


Dr. Mohammad Jameel
Deputy Director (AH) 
Mobile No. 9814184351
Email id: adsb.ropar@gmail.com

Dr. Gurpreet Singh Minhas
Assistant Director (AH) 
Mobile. No. 9815649838
Email id: minhas1234455@gmail.com

Dr. Paramvir Singh
Veterinary Officer
Mobile. No. 9417533648
Email id: paramsaini662@gmail.com

Dr. Richa Rani
Veterinary Officer
Mobile No. 9464463735
Email id: richa8688@gmail.com

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