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Innovative Pig Breeding Centre Nabha

          Innovative pig breeding Centre Nabha is state of the art pig breeding centre in Punjab which is holding more than 300 pigs. This centre is designed to promote pig rearing in Punjab through providing highly productive piglet breeds and extension activities .  Breed improvement is being done using exotic semen through Artificial Insemination. Training sessions are conducted at regular intervals for increasing awareness of Punjab farmers  about technical know how of pig Farming so that their income can be diversified. This Centre is playing a huge role in promotion of pig farming in Punjab.

Posted Officers : Innovative Pig Breeding Centre Nabha

Sr No Name Designation Mobile No Email ID
1 Dr Vikas Kumar Veterinary Officer 9888999623 vikasbaranwal50@gmail.com
2 Dr Devender Veterinary Officer 8708074879 devdhanda27@gmail.com

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